11-10-13 Sunday
Psalm 10 is a beautiful picture of your justice. The wicked rejoice in beating and
destroying the weak, saying , “God has forgotten, he has hidden his face, he
will never see it. “ They don’t see God, so they believe he has abandoned the
But you will “Break the arm of the wicked and the evildoer”
and will “call his wickedness to account till you find none. You don’t forget
the poor; in fact, you love them.
You want them to inherit your kingdom.
O Lord, you hear the
Of the afflicted;
You will strengthen
their heart;
You will incline your
ear to
Do justice to the
fatherless and the
Oppressed, so
That man who is of
the earth may
Strike terror no
Psalm 10:17-18
Time and time again David sings of how you don’t forget the
humble. You are a just God and you
arm yourself to cast off the chains of the oppressed. Holy are you God; you defend your sheep from the wolves. And
hallelujah, you even seek to make the wolves into your sheep.
Do I rejoice more over the destruction of the oppressor or
the liberation of the oppressed?